The Blissfully Bold Podcast

Ep. 27 - Streamline Your Personal and Professional Life with Simplified Systems and Life Synergy with Brittany Hall

Gavie Remaly Episode 27

In this episode of the Blissfully Bold podcast, guest Brittany Hall, a systems expert, and I discuss practical ways to streamline life and achieve a sense of balance. Brittany shares how meal boxes, grocery delivery, and apps like TickTick and Notion can simplify daily tasks at work and at home. She introduces the concept of 'life synergy' as a more realistic and fulfilling approach than traditional work-life balance. They also talk about Brittany's free five-day challenge to help people get organized for the new year and avoid burnout. Ideal for anyone looking to reduce overwhelm and find harmony in their personal and professional lives.

00:00 Introduction
03:29 Guest Introduction: Brittany Hall
04:02 Understanding Life Synergy with Brittany
04:51 Creating Effective Systems for Work-Life Balance
12:01 Managing Digital and Home Systems
26:11 Life Synergy and Personal Fulfillment
31:08 Five-Day Challenge for Life Synergy
36:49 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

As a small business owner who has faced setbacks and survived burnout, Brittany understands the challenges of balancing work and life. Through her consulting and coaching business, SHEsynergy, she helps female entrepreneurs create life synergy. With a customized approach, Brittany partners with women to streamline their businesses, reclaim their time, and thrive—without sacrificing their well-being. Her mission is simple: to empower women to live unapologetically authentic and fulfilling lives.

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People may be listening and saying, yeah, well, that costs money. But the meal box that we use is 80 and we get six two person meals a week.  That's really not groceries. Exactly. Um, and then Instacart you can do,  you don't have to pay for it. Uh, but if you do the membership, then you get free delivery and  A hack that I discovered is if you have a Costco membership, you can actually sign up through your Costco membership and it gets you 20 off.

So it's 80 for the year.  Nice. Yeah. So it's not, 


doesn't have to be overly expensive.  

Right. Yeah, I think that what it comes down to when people think like, Oh, that's so expensive. It's that just they have the idea of like what the cost would be and like not actually looking into it and being like, Oh,  it's actually not that bad.

And it's affordable when you start breaking it down into annual costs and like weekly or monthly or whatever, like you saying that the meal boxes are 80 a week. I'm like, wow, that's really great because as well right now we're, it's a fam, we're a family of four. And we spend like 200 on groceries a week, so that totally, like I know you, you said it's for two, but even if we like got two of those, 160 bucks, so it's still 40 cheaper than what we usually pay.

So I love that. 

It's great.  Yeah. And I think the other thing people have to think about is  recognizing how much time you're contributing to those things. Like how many hours are you spending in the grocery store?  You know, if you can get that back to be able to spend time with your family or put that extra hour into work or whatever it is that you, you know, want to do, it's important to evaluate that too, I think. 

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com forward slash blissfully bold podcast.  Today on the show, we have Brittany Hall as a small business owner who has faced setbacks and survived burnout. Brittany understands the challenges of balancing work and life through her consulting and coaching business. She synergy, she helps female entrepreneurs create life synergy with a customized approach.

Brittany partners with women to streamline their business, reclaim their time, and thrive without sacrificing their well being. Her mission is simple, to empower women to live unapologetically authentic and fulfilling lives. Now, I loved this conversation with Brittany today.  Like,  it really was life synergy that she was talking about, and we're gonna get more into that, but I just love the term in itself.

Like, it's  Balance and harmony and it's, I know that sounds woo,  right? But like when you think of all of the moving parts of your own life and you're bringing them together It just fits in place and it feels like Synergy, right? Or Symmetrical. I love, I loved like just the image that It like all connects.

Um, that's not what she said in this at all, but that's like what I took away from it So without further ado, here's britney. Hey britney. Welcome to the show. Thank you for joining us today um for the audience britney is a systems expert and She's going to tell us all the good things about you know, creating life balance But first what I want to know from britney is what makes you kick ass at creating systems to begin with? 

Awesome. Well, thanks so much for having me, Gabby. I'm really excited to be here. Um, I feel like for me,  you're going to hear me say this a lot, but systems don't have to be complicated. The simple definition of a system is an organized framework or method.  And so part of what makes me so good at what I do is I often see people overcomplicating. 

And so I like to go in and be like, no, no, let's rewind. We're, it doesn't have to be this complex. Like, let's really get to the root of it. Um, but I also think I have worked with a variety of, or in a variety of realms. I've been with startups. I've been with marketing agencies, retail and rentals. And then just as an entrepreneur myself, I understand.

You know, like everyone is so different. And so this idea of creating a cookie cutter system, that's going to work for everybody. It's just not realistic.  So I like to really go in and partner with people and figure out what systems are going to work for them specifically 

So that kind of gets into like a post that I saw recently from you that you had mentioned that Creating life, like work life balance was kind of BS and so you mentioned like cookie cutter just a bit ago So, can you like dig into more because I feel like that's a little triggering for people.

It's like, what do you mean? It's bullshit because like I that's what I'm working towards. What do you mean? Life balance is bullshit I don't get it. So let's talk about that more like why is it bullshit and Like what is your idea of I guess work life balance or what would you call it?  

Yeah, absolutely.

And I mean, I'll be the first to admit, I have fallen prey to trying to achieve that so called perfect work life balance. And I had just come through being with a company for 10 years. I was burnt out and I knew that I didn't want to end up in that state again.  Um, but I realized so quickly that it is, it's total bullshit.

And when you really think about it, you look at work life balance.  Isn't work just another aspect of life?  Who is it that decided out there that work should take up 50 percent of our time and then family, friends, health, personal well being, like, just having fun or relaxing, then all has to be crammed into the other 50%? 

Right.  Again, it's not realistic, and I think that that,  it creates unrealistic expectations that people put on themselves. Of, no, no, no, I have to be spending half of my time doing work. Now, I wholeheartedly believe that there are seasons where you may have to work more.  But the idea is that during that season, you are creating systems on the back end that will allow you to  not have to spend as much time during the other seasons. 

And so I honestly don't even like to use the word balanced because again, you, the first thing that comes to mind when you think balance is a scale.  And so this has to weigh the same as this, or you have to be putting in as much effort here as you do there. Okay.  So I prefer fulfillment, which I know that's kind of a buzzword right now.

And so people are like,  yeah, yeah.  But it honestly is, it's the word that I choose, um, because for me, I want to be able to have a life where  I do have work, but I also have hobbies that light me up. I spend time with my family. I, you know, am able to go take the dogs for a walk in the middle of the day. 

It's not,  it's just not realistic to think, Oh, I can have everything perfectly balanced all the time. But the main thing to kind of find that soapbob balance is to know what your non negotiables are  and always have those on your schedule. You work or whatever other aspect of life you choose around those.

So whether that is a weekly girls night or dinner with the family, bedtime stories, morning routines, whatever it is. You keep those non negotiables on the calendar at all times,  

right? So you're talking about like it's never really 50 50 between like work and family or like work and whatever else and It reminded me of this conversation that I had.

Um with my former Uh, boss's wife, we were at a conference and I remember we were talking about marriage. So it doesn't sound like this goes together and it's like, why are you talking about marriage? We're talking about systems. But she was talking about balance in the marriage and like that it's never gonna be 50 50 like On you know the parent like the father and like 50 on the mother like it's just gonna be times and seasons of like Someone's gonna have to pick up the slack here and someone's gonna have to pick up the slack there And it just reminded me so beautifully of like what you're saying about seasons and work never being like it's not never gonna it's never going to be 50 50 like sometimes you will have to work more.

There are busy seasons and industries like especially at the End of the year like now like if people are doing their business planning for 2025 like in corporate settings or Reviewing the finances like of course, there's going to be increased man hours right now, right? So that totally makes sense. So when we're talking about like those seasons and it almost feeling like it could be 2020  inconsistent, right?

It's like, Oh, like this was like a, a really great time where I was, you know, feeling like a, a nice flow and I wasn't stressed out. And now it's like, Oh, it's super busy. And like, when you're in it, you forget like, Oh no, wait, this is just. A season and it's not every day, right? Like maybe it's every day right now, but not always So when we get in those moments of like, oh my gosh, our schedule is fucking chaos right now like how can We begin to take control of our schedules both in what we're saying.

Yes to And how we're actually managing our calendars, especially Especially if it is like a digital calendar because I feel like everyone's on their phone now, right? Like they have their calendar in their phone And I know some people still like paper planners like for myself I do But for the people who are using digital like it's it's easy to get sucked into other stuff On your computer or on your phone.

So how can people manage to maintain their calendars? And digital like clutter and then also make their schedule work for them You That's a lot. But 

that's okay. I love this. Um, there, there truly are so many things that you can do with digital schedules now. Um, you can keep it simple, you know, as far as just using Google calendar, but there are so many different apps and  I mean, to the point where it's honestly overwhelming if you have never really, or if you're first diving into trying to do a digital schedule. 

And so with that, I think it's automatically causing clutter for people because it's 


what about this thing? What about this and this? So my first recommendation is, again, keep it simple. Choose one or two, start with one, see how it goes. Don't try and add in, you know, six different things for a digital schedule.

Um, the other thing that I do is I use Google Chrome and so I create groups  within it.  Um, now I have two businesses of my own. I am involved in kind of like a freelancing state with some other companies. And so. At any given time, there are a bazillion tabs open on my computer. I am just, I'm one of those people.

So it's easy to do.  Um, but by creating these groups, I actually have them. You can make a group and then slide all your tabs into it and you can save it.  So then you can,  yes, yes.  Yep. So if you're using Chrome,  um, I think you just go under where it says tab and you can create a new group. You can change the color.

You can do all these things with it. But there's a toggle in the settings that will save it. So if you close out of that group,  Then it just goes up on your bookmarks bar and later you can come back and reopen the group. So 

this is on a desktop because I use groups on my like on my cell phone because i'm like well I don't always use them because I still have like a bajillion tabs open on my phone also because it's like Wait, I don't want to lose that link.

And instead of being rational and just bookmarking it, I'm like, wait, I'll use this later. And it just stays open forever. But I love that idea of using groups. To to organize like these are all the open tabs that I really want to come back to and let me just put it in A group and bookmark it and then I can reopen the group.

Oh, I love that. Great. Great tip. Yeah, so  You had some other ways of helping streamline the schedule, right? Can you, can you dig into those?  Yes, 

so, I also, uh,  I use Notion for a variety of things, and one of the most recent things that I just created is a knowledge vault. So, if you are somebody who is taking online courses, or, you know, you're just, you always hear of new books that you want to add to your reading list, or you're downloading free resources from other people, it's a place where you can store all of those things.

So instead of going back and searching through the emails or searching your drive, it's all in there in one spot.  Um, and then I actually, there's a section in there for goals. So I tie that with goals  and you can actually match like the courses or the books to your specific goals. And again, it's just a way of decluttering all your digital resources.


And then with that, I then use another app, I guess, called TickTick. TickTick. TickTick. And this is the main one that I use for everything.  And so for things within  some of the, like my business and my freelancing, for example, every month there is sales tax for one of these businesses. And I'm responsible for going in and making sure that everything's recorded the way it's supposed to be.

And we make a sales tax payment. So within this app, and again, you can utilize this in so many different apps, whether it's.  Google, I think Google has tasks. I'm sure you can do the same thing with Asana, but basically I automate them. So every month on the 10th, I go in and I pay sales tax or every month on the second and fourth Tuesday, we run payroll or whatever it may be.


hmm. Using different apps that you can set up automated reminders, so then those things are automatically populating on your schedule.  

Okay.  Nice. I love that. Yeah. That, that makes it sound easy. I 

think it's where it takes work up front, and I think that's what kind of  deters people from setting up systems in the first place, because it can be a little time consuming. 

But then when you literally never have to do it again, it may be edit the date or something, but it just automatically creates your schedule for you. It's a time saver and it honestly just gives you your energy back because you're not having to think about it.  

Yeah, for sure. Like, so my background, um, like in professional, like nine to five life is like being a project coordinator.

And so I know how important it is to set it up on the front end so that way you have it like. Easier during like the actual project and when you're checking off your tasks and all that and it helps you like know exactly What to do and where to go instead of you like floundering and being like, oh my gosh Like what do I do now or where is my stuff?

Like it's just  it helps it feel Organized which makes you feel a little calmer, right?  Yeah, absolutely.  So I know that sometimes I can get that flustered feeling You Like when I'm at home  because I have things and like they're just everywhere or they're not as organized or even like say dinner time or bedtime like those even like everyday routines still can be overwhelming because sometimes it's like it's not the exact same routine like sometimes you know some days are different or whatever like how would you go about like managing. 

Like systems in your home because I feel like you know when we're talking about like, uh What people see is balance in their life. They want to be able to feel like, okay I feel calm at work or I feel organized at work, but I don't feel like that in this part of my life So, how can we bring like the balance together?

It's the same concept of you know, don't over complicate it I think the thing that makes it difficult at home is when you're focusing on your work Whether you go to a nine to five or you're self employed or whatever you're doing  You may work with a team, but you have things that are solely assigned to you.

And when you're at home, unless you live alone, you most likely have a partner, and maybe you even have kids, and so there are other people involved. So, that involves getting everyone on the same system.  So that is one thing to keep in mind is, okay, what type of systems can I use that I can get everybody on board, or that are just as easy for my family members to use? 

Now, I, again, use TickTick, like, when I say that I use this app for everything, I mean it. Um. Can, 

can, sorry. Can I stop you right there? Can you? Yeah. What is TickTick? I've never heard of TickTick. Can you tell us more about it? 

Honestly, yes. I don't even know how I came across it. It is just an app, um, you can put it on your phone, there is a desktop version, but it's really cool because you can go in, I think I paid, I do have the pro version, but there is a free version, which.

You can use  almost just as equally. Um, but I think I paid 35 for the year  


you go in and it allows you to make different sections. So I have a section for each of my businesses. I have a section for home. I have a section that's like just for me. So personal development, self care, that type of thing.

And then within those sections, you can then create to do list. So.  Let's think, let's look at the home systems for me. The main way that I use home systems in TickTick is for cleaning.  I am the type of person that I want things to be organized. I want things to be clean, but it will be the thing that I will shove to the end of my to do list over and over again. 

Like I know I want it that way, but I don't want to go do it.  So I have in there under home, there's a cleaning section. And within that section, there is. It's weekly, monthly, and quarterly reminders.  And so I have this set up in a way that  any item I put in, it automatically auto populates based on what time option I choose.

And so then each week when I go to sit down and look at my overall schedule, those things are already popped in and I put them so that like, it's not a full day of cleaning. It's you know, one or two cleaning tasks a day so that it's easy to manage. I can add it in my schedule.  So that's a little bit about the app, but also how I use it for my home system.

Yeah, I love that. It does. It's like someone constantly reminding you because I forget shit and  It's like, oh, it's 

been forever. Who remembers to like get the dust off the  What are those things called? On the bottom wall? Yes, they do.  You know what I mean? Like, it's like, oh, when did I do that last?  Yeah. So you can literally, you can put anything in there.

There's also a journaling section. So you could do like a daily gratitude journal. I have a travel journal in there. So anytime we travel, yeah, I can kind of put my notes in.  I love that.  Yeah,  but other examples of home systems. We use  the Alexa devices. And so whenever we run out of something, we just say, Hey, I don't want to say it too loud.

She might hear me. Um,  the robots are listening over there,  but you know, it's like add bread to the grocery list. Right. We both have access to that. So then we're at the store, we can pick it up. But we honestly, we use meal prep boxes. So each week we get a meal box delivered that has all the ingredients and the recipes in it and then we also utilize Instacart, which is, I don't know if, I'm sure different areas have different ones, but yeah, grocery delivery so that.

Right.  It gives us our time back. We don't,  you know, we don't have to do it. It's not,  again, it doesn't seem like a system because it's not complicated, but it is. We put it on the Alexa list and then we order it and it gets delivered to our house. Like,  yeah, it's a great way 

to do it.  It is a great way. So last week, On, uh, the show, it was episode 26, we had Brenda Nunes Smith, who is, uh, a house hero manager, or she tells people how to find a house manager,  and she was talking about, like, creating, like, an easier, like, if you don't have a house manager, like, do Instacart or do these, like, little things and it makes it easier, so it just, like, reaffirms that you're saying this right now, like, the audience just needs to go and set that up already to make their life easy. 

Yeah, and it honestly, it doesn't, sure, I'm, people may be listening and saying, yeah, well that costs money, but the meal box that we use is 80 and we get six two person meals a week.  That's cheaper than groceries. Exactly. Um, and then Instacart, you can do, you  don't have to pay for it, uh, but if you do the membership, then you get free delivery and, A hack that I discovered is if you have a Costco membership, you can actually sign up through your Costco membership and it gets you 20 off.

So it's 80 for the year.  Nice.  Yeah. So it's not, 


doesn't have to be overly expensive.  

Right. Yeah, I think that what it comes down to when people think like, Oh, that's so expensive. It's that just they have the idea of like what the cost would be and like not actually looking into it and being like, Oh,  it's actually not that bad.

And it's affordable when you start breaking it down into annual costs and like weekly or monthly or whatever, like you saying that the meal boxes are 80 a week. I'm like, wow, that's really great because as well right now we're, it's a fam, we're a family of four. And we spend like 200 on groceries a week, so that totally, like I know you, you said it's for two, but even if we like got two of those,  160.

So it's still 40 cheaper than what we usually pay. So I love that. It's great.  

Yeah. And I think the other thing people have to think about is  recognizing how much time you're contributing to those things. Like how many hours are you spending in the grocery store?  Yeah. You know, if you can get that back to be able to.

Spend time with your family or put that extra hour into work or whatever it is that you want to do, it's important to evaluate that too, I think.  

Yeah, that's a nap. There 

you go, see?  Like, we're tired. First approach, you start with a bunch of people.  

Definitely the nap. Like, 1000 percent the nap.  Awesome.

Well, you, like, have made it to where it sounds like it's totally doable to actually kind of bring that, what people would call balance. Into their lives, but you had mentioned something in the very beginning. You had called it something like life synergy Right. So can you tell us more about like what exactly that is?

And how can we like start cracking the code on actually achieving that synergy like with your systems in place?  

Yes, so I define life synergy as a blend of personal fulfillment and success through aligned actions and efficient systems So, pretty much everything we've already been talking about today, but again, I don't see it as a 50 50 split,  more so as  you get to live the life that you want.

I feel like so often people find themselves in roles or situations, jobs, however you want to look at it, where they think that they are setting the foundation for creating a life that they want to live later.  

Instead of  

building the life that they want to live right now.  And so for me, life synergy is being able to do just that.

Now, no, it doesn't necessarily happen overnight. I'm not out there trying to tell people, go quit your job and just wing it and do whatever you want, you know, travel and your bank account will just rebuild itself. That's not what I'm saying. You have to, you have to be realistic about it.  Right. But I feel like people shouldn't have to. 

Feel guilty for choosing between work or family or friends or  

because they should 

be able to have all of those things  No, you can't do all of those things at the same time You are only one human, but you should be able to build a life where you can have these different aspects You can have hobbies.

You can have relationships with friends. You can have time to learn new things  So,  I always tell people the first step to working towards life's energy is to do a life audit.  Sit down and really think about everything you're doing.  And this, this can be the small things, the big things. Literally, go through your day to day.

What does it look like? Where are you putting your time and your energy?  


then, try and assign an average amount of time spent with those things.  Then from there, look at what of those things is giving you energy, what is taking away energy,  are there things that you're saying yes to, but you don't actually want to, if so, why, is it guilt,  is it something you actually have to do, is it something that, you know, you were innately raised, oh, you should make your bed every morning.

If you don't actually care if your bed is made every morning, don't make your bed.  There's no, there's no police coming to get you, you know what I mean? Right, 


Um, but,  and then also evaluate what's missing in your life.  

know for me, I'm a manifesting generator, so I like to be involved in a lot of things.

I have a lot of different passions, and I wasn't allowing myself any time to be creative.  And so putting in time to color or draw or paint, I am not an artist, but  I enjoy doing those things. Yeah. Um, so look at your life and see what's missing. Cause oftentimes people get in the flow of things and it's like, okay, what do you do in your life?

I work,  I come home, I make dinner, I spend time with my family, I get my kids to bed, I clean, I go to sleep.  It's like, okay, well, where's time for you? Do you want to take a walk? Do you want to do some yoga? Do you want to read a book? Do you want to take a bubble bath with some tea? Like  there are so many different aspects of life and as individuals, we need to be able to have more than just work,  family, sleep.

The other big thing of Life Synergy is. Whereas when people are trying to achieve this perfect work life balance, that really is all there is. There's work, there's life. It's all the same for everyone, but life synergy is more of an individual thing. Like my life synergy is not gonna look the same as yours. 

And so there is no,  you know, exact formula. Of how to or exact map of what your life synergy should look like is something you have to figure out,  right?  

No, I love that because it sounds a lot like boundary work too, but like organized  Because it's exactly the same for boundaries like you have to be able to evaluate Like what is important to you in your life?

Like you said you're non negotiables, right? And so if it's actually Important to you like you say it is like you're going to put a boundary in place around it, right? You're gonna make sure that you Spend the time that you allocate that time and make us like a system for making sure that you get that done Right, so I love how they like come together and that you've called it life synergy like that.

That's really beautiful I love that. Thank you. So You actually have a free five day challenge for people to kind of help Create their own life synergy or get it like organized right where they have you know The we're at the end of the year and people are like, oh like I still have like all these Projects that I haven't finished yet and like I told myself I was gonna do them and so they're like carrying this burden, right?

But you're having this five day challenge to kind of help us move past that right and get us back into that mindset of like, okay Let's get organized. So can you tell us more about your your challenge? 

Yeah, absolutely So I created this challenge in the hopes of helping people Bring the end of the year to a close without burnout and making sure that they are leaving Space and time to enjoy the holidays with family But also helping them get realigned before the start of the year.

I think so often, you know, kind of what you're talking about people are like, oh, I've got to end the year strong. I've got to get all of these things done. I said, I was going to do it. I have to finish it. And they go, go, go. And then they get to January one. And it's like between their to do list and the holidays, they are just exhausted and frazzled.

And so then they spend the first two weeks of January, like You know, getting their grounds again. And  then they're like, Oh crap, I'm already,  you know, halfway through the first month and I haven't started any of my new year's resolutions or goals or whatever it may be. So  I don't want people to do that.

I think that it is, it's exhausting and it doesn't actually help you in the long run.  


so within this five day challenge, um, we go in and we evaluate, okay, let's look and see all of those things that you said you wanted to get done,  which ones really actually need to get done. So part of it is giving yourself permission to let go of some of these things.

Like it's not the end of the world if you don't actually get all of them checked off the list. It's not life or death, like it's okay. Let's reevaluate restructure. You can put it on next year's. 


And we create systems and how to do that in a more efficient way so that by next December, you don't have all these things stacked up that you didn't get to.

Um, so each day has its own topic. So within each day, we're going to reflect and release, we organize and prioritize,  I help people create their own vision for life's energy.  Systemizing for success, and then on day five, you align and take action.  

I love that. And when is this challenge? Is it going on right now?

Or how long is it going for? Is it the month of January? Tell us more about that and how people can enroll in it.  Yes. 

So again, I know everybody's different. It's a hectic time of the year. So it's designed in a way that each day you get a new email and that directs you to day one, day two, day three, etc.


the way I have been doing it, I did one round last week and now I'm doing another one today. So a new round started today. Okay, um, if anyone wants to sign up it's okay that they weren't a part of it today You can go in and sign up and from here on out. It's just going to take you through your own five day challenge Okay Yeah  And that will stay up through the month of december.

So it'll come down on january 1 I recommend that people go in and sign up for it earlier rather than later Just because some of the things within it as far as planning out the rest of the year and then starting to build your strategy for next year and your systems for next year, you want to have some time to do it.

So it's probably a good idea to kind of see the, see what it's about. And then even if you know you can't get it done this week, at least you have access because again, you will, you'll have access to January 1st.  

Awesome, and I will drop the link for that in the show notes So that way if you do want to go and join the challenge, it's there easy access.

So Awesome. Well, thank you britney so much for coming on the show today. Um, tell us how can people Get in touch with you and can they work with you in any other ways right now other than the five day challenge?  

Yes, so the best way right now is through instagram You can find me at she synergy. co  and I right now, the only link that's up is the five day challenge, but I am going to be adding system VIP days.

So what this would entail is you, we spend a whole day together. It can be virtually or in person. You know, we're located near each other and we literally just go through, we look at the systems you currently have, the systems you want to have, what's missing What's working, what's not, and I help you build out full systems for your business, your life, both, however you want to do it. 

But the whole day, it's solely for you.  And then I also have one on one consulting packages. And for anybody who does the five day challenge, there is a discount at the end of that for the one on one consulting packages.  

Wonderful. That sounds amazing, especially for the new year coming up. It's like everyone talks about, I want to get more fit or I want to do my finances better, or I want to get more organized.

We'll start getting organized like now in December and setting that up. I love that. So, thank you so much again, Brittany, for joining me on the show today, and I can't wait for the listener to, like, go and look up your challenge and start digging into how they can set up systems to make their lives easier.

I love that.  Thank you so much, Gabby.  Yeah, absolutely. Bye.  All right, this was a really awesome episode, like, I really loved when she was talking  The meal service that she gets and you know, it's only for two people But like just doubling it is still cheaper than groceries like that sounds Like a really nice hack like one you don't have to grocery shop  You just order the meal prep and then everything that you need the ingredients comes and then you're also not like buying a bunch of extra Shit that's going to sit in your pantry and just tempt you to like eat it  Or is that just me? 

Anyway, I really love this episode, and I hope that you got some good out of it. I think that combining last episode, episode 26, with Brenda Noon Schmidt, and then listening to this episode, episode 27, with Brittany, like,  together, you can find a way to create the life that you want. balance and the juggling of all the things You can find a way to figure it out between episode 26 and episode 27 So I hope that you go and do that and let me know Like on instagram go hit me up at gaby dot ramele And let me know like what was your takeaway for?

This episode or episode 26 Like how are you going to? Start Organizing for the new year, and if you haven't already, please, please, please go and visit your podcast platform that you're listening on. If you're on Apple, go rate review, and  it's gonna help grow the show. Like, you like these episodes, you want them to keep coming, then please go and share the show so that way the show can grow and so it can go and help more people just like you. 

Alright, well, I will talk to you later. Toodles. Thanks again for listening and visit buy me a coffee at  buymeacoffee. com forward slash blissfully bold podcast for another way to support the show. And I will also link 

that in the show notes.